5-14 Online (at LTS)
Aberdeen City - Environmental Studies CPD Abiotic factor, describe what is meant by & give some examples of how these can be measured - Target menu LT-F3.3
Acids & Metals - Group 23 - Planning Framework
Acids & Metals (level E) - Topic from Glasgow 5-14 Science Programme Acidity, describe the use of pH to measure - Target menu ES-E3.3
Acoustics & Optics (levels E/F) - Topic from Glasgow 5-14 Science Programme Active Learning in science (video, 65.5 Mb) - the promotion of active learning in a secondary school. Assessment is for Learning is an important feature of this science classroom. Active Learning - Learning Trail (pdf, 245 K) - key document from The Journey to Excellence website. Learning: an active approach in a primary school (video, 37 Mb) - Teachers describe how active learning situations are set up throughout the school.
Learning: an interdisciplinary approach (video, 45 Mb)- Senior management and pupils describe the benefits of using interdisciplinary approaches in learning.
Promotion of active learning (video, 34 Mb) - Highlights some of the key features of excellent practice in schools including: using a wide range of learning and teaching approaches; promoting learners' willingness and confidence as seekers of new knowledge, understanding and skills; developing the ability to think, liking new knowledge to what learners already know and can do; providing opportunities to respond to 'open' questions; and collaborative learning.
Air Resistance, Friction & - Group 16 - Planning Framework
Air resistance, describe in terms of friction - Target menu EF-C3.3
Amplitude & loudness, describe the relationship between - Target menu EF-F1.3 Analyse the functions of everyday electronics systems in terms of input & output conditions - Target menu EF-F1.5
Animals & Plants - Group 8 - Planning Framework
Animals & plants, name some common ones using simple keys - Target menu LT-C1.3
Animals, Living on Earth - Group 14a - Planning Framework
Articulation with Standard Grade Sciences - Chemistry, Physics, Biology
ASE (national)
ASE (Scotland)
Assessment file (Teacher / Pupil) - Renfrewshire 5-14 Science Pack - links on Planning Spreadsheet
Assessment is for Learning Projects - FOR, AS, OF. Assessing Learning - Learning Trail (pdf, 47 K) - key document from The Journey to Excellence website.
Assessment is for Learning - Glossary of terms
Assessment of Achievement Programme Report - Survey of Science (2003) Associate the seasons with differences in observed temperature - Target menu ES-B1.1
AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust
AUTHORITY-BASED APPROACHES, PLANNING FOR IMPROVEMENT (Strategy from Improving Science Education CPD through Practical Activities, TSEC)
Attainment Levels - background Atmospheric gases, name & describe some of their uses Atomic structure, describe some features of - Target menu ES-F2.1
Atomic Theory (levels E/ F) - Topic from Glasgow 5-14 Science Programme
Balanced and unbalanced forces, describe the effects of - Target menu EF-E3.1
Biotechnology - Group 32 - Planning Framework Biotechnology, outline the principles of modern - explain its significance now & in the future - Target menu LT-F1.2
Biotechnology, Developments in (RAISING ETHICAL ISSUES strategy, TSEC START materials)
Borders 5-14 Material - links on Planning Spreadsheet
Brain Gym - Learning about Learning website (video, near end, 62.3 Mb)
Breathing & Digestion, Level D - Topic from Glasgow 5-14 Science Programme
Breathing, describe the role of lungs in - Target menu LT-D2.1
Browser Font Size, Changing
Burning fossil fuels, describe the effect of - Target menu ES-D3.3
Burning materials, describe what happens - Target menu ES-D3.1
Care for living things & the environment, give example of how to - Target menu LT-A3.2
Carrying Out for Task (DEVELOPING SKILLS strategy, TSEC START materials)
Cartoons (DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING strategy, TSEC START materials)
Cells - Group 33 - Planning Framework
Cell Processes (levels E/F) - Topic from Glasgow 5-14 Science Programme Cells, plant & animal - identify & give the functions of the main structures found in - Target menu LT-E2.1
Cellular reactions, describe the function of enzymes in the control of - Target menu LT-F2.3 Cells, describe how different ones are adapted to their functions - Target menu LT-F2.1
Challenges and Success in Taking Science Forward (Views of Principal Quality Improvement Officer, QIO & a Service Manager, PLANNING FOR IMPROVEMENT - AUTHORITY-BASED APPROACHES strategy, TSEC START materials)
Challenge Targets, Negotiation of (Sharing Learning Criteria using critical skills, INTERACTIVE TEACHING strategy, TSEC START materials)
Challenging Responses (Quality Questioning, INTERACTIVE TEACHING strategy, TSEC START materials)
Checklist for Quality Learning (Sharing Learning Criteria using critical skills, INTERACTIVE TEACHING strategy, TSEC START materials) Chemical energy changes, give some examples of - Target menu EF-E2.2 Chemical Reactions - Group 29 - Planning Framework
Chemical Reactions (levels E/ F) - Topic from Glasgow 5-14 Science Programme Chemical reactions, give examples using using word equations - Target menu ES-F3.3 Chemical reactions, simple - give examples explaining them in terms of elements & compounds - Target menu EF-D1.3 Chemical reaction rates, give examples of the ways in which they can be changed - Target menu ES-F3.1 Chemical & physical changes, distinguish between - Target menu ES-F3.2
Chemistry Demonstrations for 5-14 - DUSC (CPD) Chromosomes & genes in inheritance, explain the role of - Target menu LT-F1.3 Classify materials as electrical conductors or insulators and describe how they are related to the safe use of electricity - Target menu EF-C1.5 Classifying metals & non metals, describe how physical properties are used in - Target menu ES-E2.3
CLEAPSS (Primary)
Clip-Art Collections (SSERC)
Cognitive Acceleration Programme (CASE - Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education)
Cognitive Acceleration - the 5 pillars of
Collaborative Techniques (INTERACTIVE LEARNING strategy, TSEC START materials) Collaboration: promoting peer assessment (Learning about Learning website) - Focuses on critical skills. The class teacher and pupils within a secondary school review key features and benefits of critical skills, in particular collaborative learning (video, 54.7 Mb).
Collaborative Learning - Learning about Learning website (video, 92.2 Mb) Collaboration: group working in a primary setting (Learning about Learning website) - Focuses on critical skills. The class teacher and pupils within a primary school review key features and benefits of critical skills, in particular collaborative learning (video, 59.4 Mb) Collaboration: challenge learning (Learning about Learning website) - More on collaborative working. Staff and pupils review the benefits of a whole school contextualised collaborative approach within a primary school. Collaboration: joined up approach (Learning about Learning website) - Staff and pupils develop a whole school approach to challenge learning within a primary school (video, 94.9 Mb).
Collaboration: fostering critical skills (Learning about Learning website) (video, 46.9 Mb).
Collaboration: a critical skills approach (Learning about Learning website) (video, 39.2 Mb). Coloured filters on white light, explain the effect of - Target menu EF-F1.2
Competition between plants & between animals, describe examples of - Target menu LT-E3.2
Competition & Food Webs (levels E/F) - Topic from Glasgow 5-14 Science Programme
Concept Cartoons / Spotlight Science Cross-Match
Concept Cartoons (CPD)
Concept Cartoons - Thinking & Learning (Powerpoint Presentation - 33.5K)
Concept mapping, Developing understanding through by Jim Murdoch & Johanna Carrie
Concrete Modelling (DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING strategy, TSEC START materials)
Conduction & convection, describe the differences between the flow of heat by - Target menu EF-E1.1
Correlation with National + USA Curricula
Construct a parallel circuit, following diagrams - Target menu EF-E1.6
Construct and explain food pyramids - Target menu LT-F3.1
Construct & interpret simple food webs and make predictions of the consequences of change - Target menu LT-E3.1
Construct a series circuit following diagrams using conventional symbols - Target menu EF-D1.5
Construct simple food chains - Target menu LT-B3.2 Construct simple battery operated electrical circuits, identifying the main components - Target menu EF-C1.4
Cosmos, The (levels E/F) - Topic from Glasgow 5-14 Science Programme
CPD materials, GALLUS - intensive 5-day course
CPD_Newsletter 1 (Autumn Winter 2003/2004) (pdf) CPD_Newsletter 2 (Summer 2004) (pdf)
CPD, Science - Making it accessible for All - Highland
CPD development record (Word) Create and use keys to identify living things - Target menu Creative thinking - (Video, 62 Mb) - Reviews different ideas about creative thinking and outlines some of the main theories and models that have shaped classroom practice in recent years. This movie highlights aspects of the Creativity section within Learning about Learning.
Developing creativity - (Video, 72 Mb) - Reviews some of the strategies and practices implemented by schools that aim to raise levels of creativity amongst learners. This movie highlights aspects of the Creativity section within Learning about Learning. Creativity - Dylan Wiliam - (Video, 29 Mb) - Reviews the changing nature of literacy in our society and the importance of developing creative thinking skills in young people.
Critical Skills Programme, Overview of (INTERACTIVE TEACHING strategy, TSEC START materials)
Criteria, Sharing Learning (INTERACTIVE TEACHING strategy, TSEC START materials)
Cross-border traffic: THE SCOTTISH ‘ISE 5–14’ PROGRAMME - ASE
Curriculum for Excellence - Review (pdf) Reflection Guide, Science Rationale Home Page NEW * Experiences & Outcomes *NEW
Curriculum, Planning the (PLANNING FOR IMPROVEMENT - SCHOOL-BASED APPROACHES strategy, TSEC START materials)
Dangers associated with the use of electricity identify some of the - Target menu EF-A1.4
Data Logger (Using ICT, DEVELOPING SKILLS strategy, TSEC START materials)
Day and night, describe how they are related to the spin of the Earth - Target menu ES-B1.2
Day, month & year, explain in terms of the relative motion of the Sun, the Earth & the Moon - Target menu ES-E1.1
Describe air resistance in terms of friction - Target menu EF-C3.3
Describe broad functions of the main parts of flowering plants - Target menu LT-C2.4 Describe examples of competition between plants & between animals - Target menu LT-E3.2
Describe examples of human impact on the environment that have brought about beneficial changes & examples that have detrimental effects - Target menu LT-D3.1 Describe how day and night are related to the spin of the Earth - Target menu ES-B1.2
Describe how different cells are adapted to their functions - Target menu LT-F2.1
Describe how electrical energy is distributed to our homes - Target menu EF-D2.2
Describe how energy is transferred by radiation - Target menu EF-F1.1
Describe how everyday materials can be changed by heating or cooling - Target menu ES-B3.1
Describe how metal elements can be extracted from compounds in the Earth’s crust - Target menu ES-E3.6
Describe how physical properties of elements are used to classify them as metals & non metals - Target menu ES-E2.3
Describe how soils are formed - Target menu ES-D2.4
Describe how solids of different sizes can be separated - Target menu ES-C3.2
Describe in simple terms how lenses work - Target menu EF-D1.2
Describe in simple terms the changes that occur when water is heated or cooled - Target menu ES-C3.4
Describe some examples of the interconversion of potential & kinetic energy - Target menu EF-E2.1
Describe some features of the structure of the atom - Target menu ES-F2.1
Describe some of the characteristic features of the Periodic Table - Target menu ES-F2.1
Describe some of the ideas used to explain the origin & evolution of the Universe - Target menu ES-F2.2
Describe the broad functions of organs of the human body - Target menu LT-C2.3
Describe the changes when materials are mixed - Target menu ES-C3.1
Describe the differences between the flow of heat by conduction & convection - Target menu EF-E1.1
Describe the differences between solids, liquids & gases - Target menu ES-C2.1
Describe the effect of burning fossil fuels - Target menu ES-D3.3
Describe the effect of changing the number of components in a series circuit - Target menu EF-D1.6
Describe the effect of pH & temperature on enzyme activity - Target menu LT-F2.4
Describe the effect of temperature on solubility - Target menu ES-E3.2
Describe the effect that a push or pull can have on the direction, speed or shape of an object - Target menu EF-B3.1
Describe the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces - Target menu EF-E3.1
Describe the energy conversions in the components of an electrical circuit - Target menu EF-C2.2
Describe the function of enzymes in the control of cellular reactions - Target menu LT-F2.3
Describe the harmful and beneficial roles of microorganisms - Target menu LT-F1.1
Describe the interaction of magnets in terms of the forces of attraction & repulsion - Target menu EF-B3.3
Describe the internal structure of the Earth - Target menu ES-D2.1
Describe the main stages of human reproduction - Target menu LT-D2.4
Describe the main stages in flowering plant reproduction - Target menu LT-D2.5
Describe the main changes that occur during puberty - Target menu LT-D2.3
Describe the particulate nature of solids, liquids & gases and use this to explain their known properties - Target menu ES-E2.1
Describe the process of neutralisation & give some everyday applications - Target menu ES-E3.4
Describe the process of respiration - Target menu LT-F2.2
Describe the processes that led to the formation of the three main types of rock - Target menu ES-D2.2
Describe the relationship between force, area & pressure - Target menu EF-F3.3
Describe the relationship between pitch & frequency and between loudness & amplitude - Target menu EF-F1.3
Describe the relationship between the Earth’s gravity & the weight of an object - Target menu EF-D3.2
Describe the role of lungs in breathing - Target menu LT-D2.1
Describe the Solar System in terms of Earth, Sun & planets - Target menu ES-C1.1
Describe the structure and function of an electromagnet - Target menu EF-F1.4
Describe the Universe in terms of stars, galaxies & black holes - Target menu ES-E1.2
Describe the use of pH to measure acidity - Target menu ES-E3.3
Describe what happens when light passes through different materials - Target menu EF-E1.4
Describe what happens when materials are burned - Target menu ES-D3.1
Describe what happens when metals react with oxygen, water & acids - Target menu ES-E3.5
Describe what is meant by an abiotic factor & give some examples of how these can be measured - Target menu LT-F3.3
Describe what is meant by an element - Target menu ES-E2.2
DEVELOPING SKILLS (Strategy from Improving Science Education CPD through Practical Activities, TSEC)
DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING (Strategy from Improving Science Education CPD through Practical Activities, TSEC)
Developing Understanding through mapping by Jim Murdoch & Johanna Carrie
Developments in Biotechnology (RAISING ETHICAL ISSUES strategy, TSEC START materials)
Digestion, outline the process of - Target menu LT-D2.2
Digital Microscope (Using ICT, DEVELOPING SKILLS strategy, TSEC START materials) Distinguish between chemical and physical changes - Target menu ES-F3.2
Distinguish between gravitational potential & chemical potential energy - Target menu EF-F2.1
Distinguish between heat and temperature - Target menu EF-D1.1
Distinguish between mass and weight - Target menu EF-F3.1
Distinguish between materials which are soluble & insoluble in water - Target menu ES-C3.3 Draft Experiences and Outcomes in Science (September 2007) - Feedback form Cover paper (pdf) Info
Other draft outcomes - Numeracy, Mathematics, Gaelic
Draw and Write (DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING strategy, TSEC START materials)
Early Primary Experience - Early Years' Matters
Early years peer assessment (Peer and Self Assessment, INTERACTIVE LEARNING strategy, TSEC START materials)
Earth & its Resources - Group 15 - Planning Framework
Earth's crust, give examples of useful materials that we obtain from the - Target menu ES-D2.3
Earth, describe the internal structure of the - Target menu ES-D2.1
Earth’s gravity & the weight of an object, describe the relationship between - Target menu EF-D3.2
Edinburgh Grid for Learning - Learning and Teaching Home Page
Edinburgh Science Festival
Effective Displays (CPD) - from Astra Zeneca Science Teaching Trust
Equipment Lists (Excel Spreadsheet) Electrical circuits, construct simple battery-operated - identify the main components - Target menu EF-C1.4
Electricity - Group 13 - Planning Framework
Electricity, Measuring (levels E/F) - Topic from Glasgow 5-14 Science Programme
Electricity - Series circuit, construct following diagrams using conventional symbols - Target menu EF-D1.5
Electricity - Series circuit, describe the effect of changing the number of components in a series circuit - Target menu EF-D1.6
Electricity - Parallel circuit, construct by following diagrams - Target menu EF-E1.6 Electric Circuits - Group 20 - Planning Framework
Electric circuit - describe the energy conversions in the components of an - Target menu EF-C2.2 Electrical energy, describe how it is distributed to our homes - Target menu EF-D2.2
Electricity & Microelectronics - Group 30 - Planning Framework
Electricity generation, give some examples of energy conversions involved in - Target menu EF-D2.1 Electricity, safe use of - classify materials as electrical conductors or insulators and describe how they are related to - Target menu EF-C1.5
Electricity, give examples of everyday appliances that use - Target menu EF-A1.3 Electromagnet, describe the structure and function of an - Target menu EF-F1.4 Electronics systems, analyse the functions in terms of input & output conditions - Target menu EF-F1.5
Electronics (level F) - Topic from Glasgow 5-14 Science Programme Elements & compounds, give examples of simple chemical reactions, explaining them in terms of - Target menu EF-D1.3 Element, describe what is meant by an - Target menu ES-E2.2
Energetic, give examples of being - Target menu EF-B2.1
Energy - Group 4 - Planning Framework
Energy being converted from one form into another, give examples of - Target menu EF-C2.1
Energy changes, chemical - give some examples of - Target menu EF-E2.2
Energy conversions, describe them in the components of an electrical circuit - Target menu EF-C2.2
Energy conversions involved in the generation of electricity, give some examples of - Target menu EF-D2.1
Energy Flow & Living Things - Group 26 - Planning Framework
Energy for Living Things - Group 5 - Planning Framework
Energy, how is it transferred by radiation? - Target menu EF-F1.1
Energy, describe some examples of the interconversion of potential & kinetic - Target menu EF-E2.1
Energy resources, renewable & non-renewable - explain the differences between - Target menu EF-E2.3
Energy resources, name some - Target menu EF-D2.3
Energy Sources - Group 19 - Planning Framework
Environment, Our - Group 21 - Planning Framework
Environmental & inherited causes of variation, give examples of - Target menu LT-E1.3
Enzymes, describe their role in the control of cellular reactions - Target menu LT-F2.3
Enzyme activity, describe the effect of pH & temperature on enzyme activity - Target menu LT-F2.4
ETHICAL ISSUES, RAISING (Strategy from Improving Science Education CPD through Practical Activities, TSEC) Evaporation & filtration, explain how they can be used in the separation of solids from liquids - Target menu ES-D3.2 Everyday uses of solids, liquids and gases, give examples of - Target menu ES-C2.2 Everyday uses of good & poor conductors of heat, give examples of - Target menu EF-E1.2
Everyday uses of heat, light & sound, give examples of - Target menu EF-A1.2
Everyday appliances that use electricity, give examples of - Target menu EF-A1.3
Everyday materials that dissolve in water, give examples of - Target menu ES-B3.2
Evolution, Towards - Group 27 - Planning Framework
Exemplification of Skills - levels A to F
Explain day, month & year in terms of the relative motion of the Sun, the Earth & the Moon - Target menu ES-E1.1
Explain friction in simple terms - Target menu EF-C3.2
Explain how gravity on the moon & other planets affects the weight of an object - Target menu EF-E3.2
Explain how living things in the environment can be protected, & give examples - Target menu LT-C3.2
Explain how responses to changes in the environment might increase the chances of survival - Target menu LT-D3.3 Explain how evaporation & filtration can be used in the separation of solids from liquids - Target menu ES-D3.2
Explain the difference between renewable & non-renewable energy resources - Target menu EF-E2.3 Explain the effect of coloured filters on white light - Target menu EF-F1.2
Explain the effect of a prism on white light - Target menu EF-E1.3
Explain the role of chromosomes & genes in inheritance - Target menu LT-F1.3
Explain the water cycle using the particulate model - Target menu ES-F2.3
Explain what happens when sound passes through different materials - Target menu EF-E1.5
Explain why water conservation is important - Target menu ES-B2.3
External parts of the bodies of humans & other animals, name & identify the main - Target menu LT-A2.1
External Providers (OUTWITH THE CLASSROOM, TSEC START materials)
Feedback, Quality (INTERACTIVE TEACHING strategy, TSEC START materials) Feeding relationships found in the local environment, give examples of - Target menu LT-B3.1
Field Studies Council
Fife Education Website - Supporting School Science File 101
Filtration & evaporation, explain how they can be used in the separation of solids from liquids - Target menu ES-D3.2
Flavours of Science, getting a taste for the many
Floating & sinking, pushing and pulling, give examples of - Target menu EF-A3.1
Flowering & non-flowering plants, give the main distinguishing features of the major groups of - Target menu LT-D1.1
Flowering plants, identify the main parts of - Target menu LT-B2.4
Flowering plants, describe broad functions of the main parts of - Target menu LT-C2.4
Flowering plant reproduction, describe the main stages - Target menu LT-D2.5
Food chains, construct simple - Target menu LT-B3.2
Food pyramids, construct & explain - Target menu LT-F3.1
Food webs, simple - construct & interpret - make predictions of the consequences of change - Target menu LT-E3.1
Food Webs & Competition (levels E/F) - Topic from Glasgow 5-14 Science Programme
Forces - Group 7 - Planning Framework
Forces (levels E/F) - Topic from Glasgow 5-14 Science Programme
Force, name the newton as a unit of & explain its relationship to mass - Target menu EF-F3.2
Force, area & pressure, describe the relationship between - Target menu EF-F3.3
Forces of attraction & repulsion, describe the interaction of magnets in terms of the - Target menu EF-B3.3
Forces, balanced and unbalanced forces - describe the effects of - Target menu EF-E3.1
Force & Gravity - Group 31 - Planning Framework
Forces, gravitational - relate the movement of planets around the Sun - Target menu ES-D1.1