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Strands & Targets in Guidelines

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- Knowledge & Understanding

Taking responsibility for health
Physical health
B this is Level C D
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Level C Additional advice from Guide for Teachers & Managers
Teacher Resource Pack - Healthy Body (pdf - 136K) - Satrosphere (Aberdeen)

Physical health - Nutrition Education

show their knowledge and understanding of what they do to keep healthy, e.g. effect of regular exercise, leisure activities, choosing nutritious food

This strand explores physical factors in relation to our health and looking after ourselves.



Physical health - Safety Education

demonstrate simple decision-making strategies in relation to keeping healthy and safe

This strand explores physical factors in relation to our health and looking after ourselves.



Physical health - Safety Education

identify ways of reducing risks of infection, e.g. oral hygiene

This strand explores physical factors in relation to our health and looking after ourselves.



Physical health - Drug Education

show their knowledge and understanding of the impact of harmful substances on the body

This strand explores physical factors in relation to our health and looking after ourselves.



Physical health - Sex Education

identify the ways in which people grow and change differently, e.g. puberty

This strand explores physical factors in relation to our health and looking after ourselves.


Taking responsibility for health
Emotional health
B this is Level C D
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Level C Additional advice from Guide for Teachers & Managers
EH-C2.1 Emotional health - Safety Education

show safe ways of dealing with a range of situations, particularly those that may present risk, e.g. bullying

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-C2.2 Emotional health - Drug Education

recognise how circumstances can change emotions

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-C2.3 Emotional health - Drug Education

show safe ways of dealing with a range of situations, particularly those that may present risk, e.g. bullying

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-C2.4 Emotional health - Sex Education

use personal and interpersonal skills to relate to other people

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-C2.5 Emotional health - Sex Education

show ways of making and keeping friends

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-C2.6 Emotional health - Sex Education

recognise how circumstances can change emotions

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-C2.7 Emotional health - Sex Education

identify strategies to help deal with loss and grief

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-C2.8 Emotional health - Sex Education

show safe ways of dealing with a range of situations, particularly those that may present risk, e.g. bullying.

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.

Taking responsibility for health
Social health 
B this is Level C D
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