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New draft Experiences & Outcomes for Social Studies - February 2008

For exemplification material in Social Subjects, follow any of the 5-14 Online links you see next to the relevant target - once you are on the page click on the "commentary" for more information. This information comes from the 5-14 Teacher Support CD - Gathering & Interpreting Evidence: Social Subjects. The exemplification material may also be found at the LTS managed 5-14 Online.

ICT in Social Subjects - Fife Council Education Service Nuffield Primary History
Edinburgh Grid for Learning - Social Subjects Pack

This way for a brilliant site - all about ScotlandUndiscovered Scotland
The Ultimate Online Guide to the Highlands, Islands and Lowlands

Map Index | Site Index | Site Info | New | Links | Search | Bookshop | Wallpaper

This is an excellent, well laid out, colourful and informative web site - Highly recommended - IJB SSERC

Scotland on Film   -   BBC Site

- your digital memory book .. on film, on radio, on television ..

Access the SSPL website This superb site has over a million images from the Science Museum, the National Museum of Photography, Film & Television and the National Railway Museum. With over 50,000 images digitised, and dedicated staff available to help you research others, you are sure to find the right image.

People in the past
People, events & societies of significance in the past

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Edinburgh Grid for Learning - Teaching & Assessment Materials East Renfrewshire links
Level A Additional advice from Guide for Teachers & Managers
PPA-A1.1 People, events & societies of  significance in the past
Give examples of people and events in the past that are of significance to them in relation to their families, or in relation to their community. Developing an understanding of distinctive features of life in the past and why certain societies, people and events are regarded as significant. At this stage pupils will talk about people who have had an effect on their family, e.g. grandparents, friends; events in the past that have affected their family, e.g. weddings, birthdays, Click here to go to the start of this Strandmoving house, local celebrations/festivals.
If you have something to say, but you don't know how to properly format it grammatically, contact
PPA-A1.2 People, events & societies of significance in the past

Give examples of stories they have heard that give them information about the past, and describe what they have learned.

Developing an understanding of individual and social needs and the relationship to economic factors.

They might retell stories about the past, e.g. what happened in the village/town during the war, what Grandma did when she was a child, what their local area used to look like, a story about the Romans. From this, pupils should be able to describe some particular points that they have learned about the past, e.g. that clothes were different, that children's Click here to go to the start of this Strandgames have changed.

People in the past
Change and continuity, cause and effect
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