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This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 13  Electricity
This way for Group 14 (Alt.) - Living on Earth (Animals)

How do we get electricity to work for us?

Target Menu Attainment Target Target Code

Energy & Forces    Conversion & Transfer of Energy

This way for development of target C2.x

Static electricity is produced by rubbing certain materials together C2.extra

 Properties & Uses of Energy

This way for development of target EF-A1.4

Identify some of the common dangers associated with the use of electricity EF-A1.4

This way for development of target EF-A1.3

Give examples of everyday appliances that use electricity EF-A1.3

This way for development of target EF-C1.4

Construct simple battery operated electrical circuits, identifying the main components EF-C1.4

This way for development of target EF-C1.5

Classify materials as electrical conductors or insulators and describe how they are related to the safe use of electricity EF-C1.5

 Conversion & Transfer of Energy

This way for development of target EF-C2.1

Give examples of energy being converted from one form to another EF-C2.1

This way for development of target EF-C2.2

Describe the energy conversions in the components of an electrical circuit EF-C2.2
Future Learning (progression) -   G19 Energy Sources    G20 Electric Circuits    St. Science: Energy & Its Uses
INT1 Physics: Unit 2 Electricity

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