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This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 17 The Human Body & Reproduction
This way for Group 18 - Space & the Solar System

What characterises the parts/functions inside the human body? How do humans and other animals grow & develop the capabilities to reproduce and therefore ensure their continued survival on Earth?
Big Idea -
How can I keep healthy and how can science help?
CfE (Life and Cells - Keeping my body healthy) (Level First) - SCN 111M - I have contributed to the development of a learning resource which shows the position and function of the major organs of the body and what I need to do to keep them healthy. I can evaluate our resource and say how it helps my learning.
CfE (Life and Cells - Keeping my body healthy) (Level Second) - SCN 225M - Having researched common problems relating to bones, muscles, eyes and ears, I can make informed decisions to allow me to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
CfE (Life and Cells - Keeping my body healthy) (Level Third) - SCN 314M - Having carried out activities to support my learning, I can use my knowledge of the body systems to demonstrate how they are integrated and are essential for the functioning of the body.
CfE (Life and Cells - Reproduction) (Level Third) - SCN 318Q - Using a variety of resources I can inform others on the role of cells in fertilisation and early development of the different cells in the embryo.
CfE (Life and Cells - Reproduction) (Levels Second & Third) - SCN 228Q/SCN 319Q - Reproduction is being developed through the Health and Well-being outcomes and will be duplicated in this line of development.
CfE (Topical Science) (Level Second) - SCN 236BB - I can report and comment on a current scientific news item to develop my awareness of topical science.

Target Menu Environmental Studies - Science component - Attainment Target ES Target Code

Living things and the processes of life
 The processes of life

This way for development of target LT-C2.2

Identify the main organs of the human body


This way for development of target LT-C2.3

Describe the broad functions of organs of the human body


This way for development of target LT-D2.1

Describe the role of lungs in breathing


This way for development of target LT-D2.2

Outline the process of digestion


This way for development of target LT-D2.3

Describe the main changes that occur during puberty


This way for development of target LT-D2.4

Describe the main stages of human reproduction


This way for development of target LT-E2.2

Identify, name and give the functions of the main organs of the human reproductive system

Future Learning (progression) -   G27 Towards Evolution     St. Science: Healthy & Safe Living
INT1 Biology: Unit 1 Health & Technology      INT1 Biology: Unit 3 Growing Plants

CfE (Life and Cells - Reproduction) (Level Fourth) - SCN 431Q - Having researched the technologies used to monitor the development of the embryo, I can use my knowledge to interpret the results and possible consequences.

CfE (Life and Cells - Keeping my body healthy) (Level Fourth) - SCN 426M Bio - By designing experiments and from research using a variety of resources I can present information on the breathing, digestive and circulatory systems and how to keep them healthy.

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