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Strands & Targets in Guidelines

Interactive Guidelines -
Technological capability

Knowledge & Understanding - Technology
Needs & how they are met

this is Level A B

New draft Experiences and Outcomes for Technologies (April 2008)

 Home Page Big Idea - How can engineering and technology benefit us all? Resources & how they are managed
Level A Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Developing understanding about needs of people and the environment, ways in which technology can satisfy these and consequences of actions proposed and taken.   National Museums of Scotland - Robots
KUT-A1.1 Needs & how they are met

Talk about some everyday needs and the things that are made to meet these.

TASK (Getting around the school) - How to move around school, knowing where things are.
Talk about the need to be safe around school.
Talk about how people find their way around school.
Discuss with pupils – parts of the school, keeping safe and rules.
Tour of the school.

National Museums of Scotland - MoveIt!

Knowledge & Understanding - Technology
Resources & how they are managed

this is Level A B
 Home Page Needs & how they are met Processes & how they are applied
Level A Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Developing understanding about needs of people and the environment, ways in which technology can satisfy these and consequences of actions proposed and taken.
KUT-A2.1 Resources & how they are managed

Name some familiar products, say what they are for and what they are made from.

TASK (Getting around the school) - What is necessary when with other people and the need for rules.

KUT-A2.2 Resources & how they are managed

Talk about how materials can be used or changed for specific purposes.

TASK (Getting around the school) - Talk about the different activities that take place in different parts of the school – playground, classroom, corridors, canteen/hall, office, janitor’s room.

KUT-A2.3 Resources & how they are managed

Talk about their surroundings and suggest improvements.


KUT-A2.4 Resources & how they are managed

Show awareness of the need to conserve the materials that they use.

TASK (Getting around the school) - Observe pupils drawing/painting, cutting and pasting.
Sample of existing plans.

Knowledge & Understanding - Technology
Processes & how they are applied 

this is Level A B
 Home Page Resources & how they are managed Skills
Level A Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Developing understanding about techniques and procedures that can be applied to make or control items and consequences of actions proposed and taken.
KUT-A3.1 Processes & how they are applied

Talk about how familiar items, including those that they make themselves, are made through a sequence of steps.

TASK (Getting around the school) - How to undertake some research of the places they use in school, recognising where they are and how to use parts of the school.
Talk about rules and the need for them.
Talk about using the school with consideration and what happens if we don’t.
Listen to the pupils’ suggestions for the cards and the plan.
Use coloured and white card and paper.

Skills in Technology
- designing & making

Preparing for tasks

this is Level A B
 Home Page Carrying out tasks Reviewing & reporting on tasks
Level A Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Analysing needs or problems. Researching what might be useful in addressing them. Planning ways to proceed.
STDM-A1.1 Preparing for tasks - Analysing, researching & planning

Talk about what might be done to solve a practical problem.

TASK (Getting around the school) - Recognise how a plan can help people get around and use the school safely.
Observe pupils working in a group.

STDM-A1.2 Preparing for tasks - Analysing, researching & planning

Talk about possible requirements (design criteria)


STDM-A1.3 Preparing for tasks - Analysing, researching & planning

Suggest uses for given resources.

 Use scissors, stick glue, coloured crayons and paints.

STDM-A1.4 Preparing for tasks - Analysing, researching & planning

Follow a simple plan.

TASK (Getting around the school) - Suggest ways of making a plan to
show others important things about the school – ways to get around,
where things are, how to use them well.

Skills in Technology
- designing & making

Carrying out tasks

this is Level A B
 Home Page Preparing for tasks Reviewing & reporting on tasks
Level A Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Developing ideas to address needs or problems.  Creating solutions.
STDM-A2.1 Carrying out tasks - Developing ideas & creating solutions

Use ideas and suggestions to try out possible solutions to a brief practical task.

TASK (Getting around the school) -  See how different parts of the school can be represented by drawings.

STDM-A2.2 Carrying out tasks - Developing ideas & creating solutions

Show awareness, in their work, of any specific requirements (design criteria)

TASK (Getting around the school) -  Test coloured and white card and paper to see which is best for the plan.
Question pupils about the quality of the solutions, whether they do the
job, what is good and what could be improved.

STDM-A2.3 Carrying out tasks - Developing ideas & creating solutions

Use given resources and processes to carry out a task safely and hygienically

TASK (Getting around the school) -  Use school magazines, catalogues

Skills in Technology
- designing & making

Reviewing & reporting on tasks

this is Level A B
 Home Page Preparing for tasks Carrying out tasks Developing
informed attitudes
Level A Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Testing and evaluating solutions and the ways they were achieved.
STDM-A3.1 Reviewing & reporting on tasks - Testing and evaluating

Comment on the outcome of their work in relation to given requirements, and by comparing with the work of peers.

TASK (Getting around the school) -  Recognise the reasons for being good and keeping safe.
Try out drawing/painting and cutting and pasting found symbols and
pictures that can be used to represent parts of the school.

Developing informed attitudes - Technology
A commitment to learning

 Home Page Respect & care for self & others Social & environmental responsibility
Levels A-F Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Progressively across levels A–F, pupils should be encouraged to develop an awareness of, and positive attitudes, to:
DIAT-A1.1 A commitment to learning

enjoyment of their practical work and of it being worth doing well, its contributions to quality of life and the environment generally.

TASK (Getting around the school) -  Appreciate what can happen when things go wrong.

DIAT-A1.2 A commitment to learning

working alone, together and with experts and how each can help achieve solutions to problems.

TASK (Getting around the school) -  Decide what parts of the school should be represented on the plan.

Developing informed attitudes - Technology
Respect & care for self & others

 Home Page Social & environmental responsibility A commitment to learning
Levels A-F Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Progressively across levels A–F, pupils should be encouraged to develop an awareness of, and positive attitudes, to:
DIAT-A2.1 Respect & care for self & others

the importance of people’s views, feelings and situations when developing criteria for, and whilst engaging in, designing and making.

TASK (Getting around the school) -  Appreciate card and paper as materials suited to use in a plan and images to go on it.
Design symbols and pictures, in small groups, to be placed on class produced plan that helps them and others to understand the ways to
get around school safely.

DIAT-A2.2 Respect & care for self & others

the notion that ideas and solutions, which although satisfying some, might be unacceptable to others


DIAT-A2.3 Respect & care for self & others

safe, healthy and hygienic working practices and their importance


Developing informed attitudes - Technology
Social & environmental responsibility

 Home Page Respect & care for self & others A commitment to learning
Levels A-F Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Progressively across levels A–F, pupils should be encouraged to develop an awareness of, and positive attitudes, to:
DIAT-A3.1 Social & environmental responsibility

the way products come into existence, are bought, sold, used and discarded and the effects upon social systems and environmental quality.

TASK (Getting around the school) -  Realise that drawing and cutting and pasting are ways of creating pictures.
Test and evaluate the solutions and what they have gained from the task.

DIAT-A3.2 Social & environmental responsibility

the interplay between meeting people’s needs through the use of materials, money and time and conserving and improving the quality of the natural environment through minimising the harmful effects of actions.



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