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Strands & Targets in Guidelines

This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 1  Introducing materials
This way for Group 2 - Introducing Living Things

What are things made of?   Objects can change but do all objects or materials respond to change in the same way?
Big Idea -
What impact will new materials have on our lives?

Science - Interactive Guidelines Curriculum for Excellence - draft outcomes
CfE (Planet Earth - Sustainability) (Level Early) - SCN 001A - I have investigated materials around me and I can sort them for re-use or recycling.
CfE (Materials - Properties and uses) (Level Early) - SCN 013X - Through creative play I have experienced a range of different materials. I can show that different materials are useful for different purposes, giving reasons for my ideas.
CfE (Forces and Motion) (Level Early) - SCN 008L - Through playing with familiar objects of different shapes and materials, I can ask questions, test out my ideas and report the findings back to my group.

Target Menu Environmental Studies - Science component - Attainment Target ES Target Code

Earth and Space    Attainment Strand - Materials from Earth  Materials from Earth

This way for development of target ES-A2.1

Recognise & name some common materials from living & non-living sources ES-A2.1

This way for development of target ES-A3.1

Make observations of the ways in which some materials can be changed by processes such as squashing, bending, twisting and stretching ES-A3.1

This way for development of target ES-A2.2

Give examples of some materials based on simple properties ES-A2.2
Future Learning (progression) -  G3 Making materials change         G6 Sun, Moon & Stars           G9 Water 

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