 Group 9 Water |
Where does water come from & how do we use it? Why is water important to us? Curriculum for Excellence - draft outcomes CfE (Planet Earth - Sustainability) (Level Second) - SCN 204A - I can talk about the importance of water supplies to people all over the world and can demonstrate ways to clean and conserve water.
CfE (Planet Earth - Climate & Earth Science) (Level First) - SCN 104D - I can investigate melting, freezing and boiling, and relate my findings to my everyday experiences, including weather.
CfE (Planet Earth - Climate & Earth Science) (Level Second) - SCN 210C - From a variety of resources I can produce a report to inform others on some of the causes of climate change and its possible impact on people’s lives.
CfE (Planet Earth - Climate & Earth Science) (Level Second) - SCN 211D - In my group I can take part in designing and carrying out activities to help me understand the consequences of melting and freezing on global sea levels.
CfE (Planet Earth - Climate & Earth Science) (Level Second) - SCN 212D - I can make and test predictions about solids dissolving in water and use my practical problem-solving skills to investigate water samples from the environment.
CfE (Topical Science) (Level Second) - SCN 236BB - I can report and comment on a current scientific news item to develop my awareness of topical science.
Target Menu |
Environmental Studies - Science component - Attainment Target |
ES Target Code |
Earth and Space Materials from Earth

Give the main uses of water |
ES-A2.3 |

Explain why water conservation is important |
ES-B2.3 |
Earth and Space Changing Materials

Give common causes of water pollution |
ES-B3.3 |

Give examples of everyday materials that dissolve in water |
ES-B3.2 |

Describe in simple terms the changes that occur when water is heated or cooled |
ES-C3.4 |
Future Learning (progression) - G12 Mixing & separating G15 The Earth & it's Resources