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This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 29 Chemical Reactions
This way for Group 30 - Electricity & Microelectronics

What happens when elements react & combine?

Target Menu Attainment Target Target Code
Earth and Space     Changing materials

This way for development of target ES-F3.3

Give examples of chemical reactions using word equations ES-F3.3

This way for development of target ES-F3.2

Distinguish between chemical and physical changes ES-F3.2

This way for development of target ES-E3.1

Give examples of simple chemical reactions,
explaining them in terms of elements and compounds

This way for development of target ES-F3.1

Give examples of the ways in which the rates of chemical reactions can be changed ES-F3.1
Future Learning (progression) -      St. Chemistry: Chemistry Reactions, Speeds of Reactions
St. Science: A study of Environments             INT1 Chemistry: Unit 1 Chemistry In Action

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