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This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 28  Periodic Table
This way for Group 29 - Chemical Reactions

Elements are the building blocks of matter. How & why do we classify all the different types of atoms (elements)?

Target Menu Attainment Target Target Code
Earth and Space     Materials from the Earth 

This way for development of target ES-E2.2

Describe what is meant by an element ES-E2.2

This way for development of target ES-E2.3

Describe how physical properties of elements are used to classify them as metals and non metals ES-E2.3

This way for development of target ES-F2.2

Describe some of the characteristic features of the Periodic Table ES-F2.2

This way for development of target ES-F2.1

Describe some features of the structure of the atom ES-F2.1
Future Learning (progression) -      G29 Chemical Reactions
St. Chemistry: Atoms & the Periodic Table, Properties of Substances
INT1 Chemistry: Unit 1 Chemistry In Action

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