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This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 14 Living on Earth (Plants)
This way for Group 15 - The Earth and its Resources

What processes (of life) do living things need to continue to do if they (and their descendants) are to survive on Earth? What can humans do to help the continued survival of all living things and their environments? The Plant Kingdom can be divided into 2 main types - flowering and non-flowering plants.
What is special about the members of each type and how can the diversity of characteristics lead to further grouping within flowering and non-flowering? How do plants grow & develop the capabilities to reproduce and therefore ensure their continued survival on Earth?

Science - Interactive Guidelines Curriculum for Excellence - draft outcomes
CfE  (Planet Earth - Biodiversity) (Level Second) - SCN 205B - From a range of sources, including my local environment, I can identify and classify examples of living things to help me appreciate their variety.
CfE  (Planet Earth - Biodiversity) (Level Second) - SCN 208B - From observations and a variety of resources I can present a visual representation explaining plant reproduction.
CfE  (Planet Earth - Biodiversity) (Level Second) - SCN 209B - Having carried out a series of activities and research, I can contribute to a display showing how plants have benefited society and will continue to improve our quality of life.
CfE (Topical Science) (Level Second) - SCN 236BB - I can report and comment on a current scientific news item to develop my awareness of topical science.

Target Menu Environmental Studies - Science component - Environmental Studies - Science component - Attainment Target ES Target Code

Living things and the processes of life
 Variety & characteristic features

This way for development of target LT-C1.3

Name some common plants using simple keys


This way for development of target LT-D1.1

Give the main distinguishing features of the major groups of flowering and non-flowering plants LT-D1.1

 The processes of life

This way for development of target LT-C2.4

Describe the broad functions of the main parts of flowering plants LT-C2.4

This way for development of target LT-D2.5

Describe the main stages in flowering plant reproduction


 Interaction of living things with their environment

This way for development of target LT-C3.1

Give examples of living things that are rare or extinct LT-C3.1

This way for development of target LT-C3.2

Explain how living things in the environment can be protected, and give examples LT-C3.2
Future Learning (progression) -   G17 The Human Body & Reproduction     G21 Our Environment

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