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New draft Experiences & Outcomes for Social Studies - February 2008

For exemplification material in Social Subjects, follow any of the 5-14 Online links you see next to the relevant target - once you are on the page click on the "commentary" for more information. This information comes from the 5-14 Teacher Support CD - Gathering & Interpreting Evidence: Social Subjects. The exemplification material may also be found at the LTS managed 5-14 Online.

People in the past
People, events & societies of significance in the past
C this is Level D E
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People & place People in society
Edinburgh Grid for Learning - Teaching & Assessment Materials
Victorian -    Times        Diary       Virtual        School History        Learning Curve          Children
Level D Additional advice from Guide for Teachers & Managers

People, events & societies of  significance in the past

Describe some features of
societies, people and events from the past and suggest why they might be considered significant.

Developing an understanding of distinctive features of life in the past and why certain societies, people and events are regarded as significant. The main emphasis here is still on describing the features of the society/event, but pupils should be beginning to address the question of why the society/event is considered important. For example, a pupil might describe what happened at the Battle
of Culloden, but they should also be able to suggest that this battle was important because it marked the end of the Jacobite rebellions and the beginning of the destruction of the Highland way of life, or a pupil might suggest that Victorian society is regarded as significant
Click here to go to the start of this Strandbecause the social conditions at that time led to important reforms.

People in the past
Change and continuity, cause and effect
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