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Strands & Targets
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Interactive Guidelines
- Knowledge & Understanding

Taking responsibility for health
Physical health
E this is Level F
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Level F Additional advice from Guide for Teachers & Managers

 No targets at this level for these strands

Taking responsibility for health
Emotional health 
E this is Level F
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Level F Additional advice from Guide for Teachers & Managers
EH-D2.1 Emotional health - Drug Education

use strategies for seeking help with personal difficulties

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-D2.2 Emotional health - Sex Education

demonstrate personal and interpersonal skills, e.g. coping with failure, negotiating and resolving conflict

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-D2.3 Emotional health - Sex Education

devise strategies for seeking help with personal difficulties

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-D2.4 Emotional health - Sex Education

show an ability to deal with changing expectations

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.

Taking responsibility for health
Social health
E this is Level F
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