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This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 17 The Human Body & Reproduction
This way for Group 18 - Space & the Solar System

What characterises the parts/functions inside the human body? How do humans and other animals grow & develop the capabilities to reproduce and therefore ensure their continued survival on Earth?
Big Idea -
How can I keep healthy and how can science help?

Target Menu Attainment Target Target Code

Living things and the processes of life
 The processes of life

This way for development of target LT-C2.2

Identify the main organs of the human body


This way for development of target LT-C2.3

Describe the broad functions of organs of the human body


This way for development of target LT-D2.1

Describe the role of lungs in breathing


This way for development of target LT-D2.2

Outline the process of digestion


This way for development of target LT-D2.3

Describe the main changes that occur during puberty


This way for development of target LT-D2.4

Describe the main stages of human reproduction


This way for development of target LT-E2.2

Identify, name and give the functions of the main organs of the human reproductive system

Future Learning (progression) -   G27 Towards Evolution     St. Science: Healthy & Safe Living
INT1 Biology: Unit 1 Health & Technology      INT1 Biology: Unit 3 Growing Plants

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