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This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 27 - Towards evolution
This way for Group 28 - Periodic Table

How do plants & animals adapt to their environment by inherited characteristics and altered behaviour? How do living things continue to survive and why do some become extinct?

Target Menu Attainment Target Target Code

Living things and the processes of life
 Variety & characteristic features

This way for development of target LT-E1.3

Give examples of inherited & environmental causes of variation


 Interaction of living things with their environment

This way for development of target LT-E3.3

Give examples of physical factors that  affect the distribution of living things

Click here for development of target LT-F3.3

Describe what is meant by an abiotic  factor and give some examples of  how these can be measured

This way for development of target LT-E3.2

Describe examples of competition  between plants and between animals

This way for development of target LT-F3.2

Give a simple description of the theory of evolution and explain how species survive or become extinct

Future Learning (progression) -              G33 Cells       St. Science: A Study of Environments
St. Biology: The World of Plants, Animal Survival, Investigating Cells, Reactions of Acids
INT1 MER: Unit 2 Ecosystems

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