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This is a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 9   Water
This way for Group 10 - Light & Sound

Where does water come from & how do we use it? Why is water important to us?

Attainment Target Target

Earth and Space     Materials from Earth

This way for development of target ES-A2.3

Give the main uses of water ES-A2.3

This way for development of target ES-B2.3

Explain why water conservation is important ES-B2.3

Earth and Space     Changing Materials

This way for development of target ES-B3.3

Give common causes of water pollution ES-B3.3

This way for development of target ES-B3.2

Give examples of everyday materials that dissolve in water ES-B3.2

This way for development of target ES-C3.4

Describe in simple terms the changes that occur when water is heated or cooled ES-C3.4
Future Learning (progression) -    G12 Mixing & separating       G15 The Earth & it's Resources

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