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Strands & Targets
in Guidelines

Interactive Guidelines -
Technological capability

Knowledge & Understanding - Technology
Needs & how they are met

D this is Level E F
Mr. Richmond's Design & Technology on the Web - excellent web site
 Home Page   Resources & how they are managed
Level E Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Developing understanding about needs of people and the environment, ways in which technology can satisfy these and consequences of actions proposed and taken.
KUT-E1.1 Needs & how they are met

suggest how designing and making meets a variety of needs in their own and other cultures, past, present, and in thinking about the future


KUT-E1.2 Needs & how they are met

describe how effective designing and making takes account of how well products work, their overall attractiveness and cost


KUT-E1.3 Needs & how they are met

Suggest ways in which choice is influenced by development of new products and processes, and by advertising


KUT-E1.4 Needs & how they are met

Describe how technological activity can affect the needs of people and the environment


Technological capability
Resources & how they are managed

D this is Level E F
 Home Page Needs & how they are met Processes & how they are applied
Level E Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Developing understanding about needs of people and the environment, ways in which technology can satisfy these and consequences of actions proposed and taken.
KUT-E2.1 Resources & how they are managed

Give examples of a range of materials, their sources, properties and applications


KUT-E2.2 Resources & how they are managed

Describe how resources, including graphic media, tools, people and energy are used in the development of the made environment


KUT-E2.3 Resources & how they are managed

describe how energy conservation is affected by the use of material resources


Technological capability
Processes & how they are applied 

D this is Level E F
 Home Page Resources & how they are managed Skills
Level E Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Developing understanding about techniques and procedures that can be applied to make or control items and consequences of actions proposed and taken.
KUT-E3.1 Processes & how they are applied

Describe familiar processes that work by controlled sequences of events, including some that are automated

KUT-E3.2 Processes & how they are applied

Demonstrate techniques and procedures used to communicate and make solutions to practical problems

KUT-E3.3 Processes & how they are applied

Describe a wide range of techniques and procedures involved in production, marketing, use and beyond

KUT-E3.4 Processes & how they are applied

Describe how tools, equipment and procedures in their own problem-solving tasks relate to those in the world outside school

KUT-E3.5 Processes & how they are applied

Describe energy transfer as a feature of processes.


Skills in Technology
- designing & making

Preparing for tasks

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 Home Page         Carrying out tasks Reviewing &
reporting on tasks
Level E Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Analysing needs or problems. Researching what might be useful in addressing them. Planning ways to proceed.
STDM-E1.1 Preparing for tasks

Identify a problem, need and/or opportunity, explain what needs to be done in responding to, and in drawing up, a design brief.


STDM-E1.2 Preparing for tasks

Discuss and analyse relevant information and factors that will help establish design criteria.


STDM-E1.3 Preparing for tasks

Investigate and select a range of resources and processes.


STDM-E1.4 Preparing for tasks

Present a plan logically and effectively, making reference to equipment, systems and manufacturing processes.


STDM-E1.5 Preparing for tasks

Adapt plans to take account of further insight or changing circumstances.


Skills in Technology
- designing & making

Carrying out tasks

D this is Level E F
 Home Page         Preparing for tasks Reviewing &
reporting on tasks
Level E Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Developing ideas to address needs or problems.  Creating solutions.
STDM-E2.1 Carrying out tasks

Use ideas from a variety of sources to represent a solution to a practical task.


STDM-E2.2 Carrying out tasks

Make considered changes to a plan.


STDM-E2.3 Carrying out tasks

Justify decisions in relation to design criteria.


STDM-E2.4 Carrying out tasks

Select from a range of possibilities, and use resources and processes to carry out
a task safely, hygienically and efficiently.


Skills in Technology
- designing & making

Reviewing & reporting on tasks

D this is Level E F
 Home Page         Preparing for tasks Carrying out tasks
Level E Learning activities e.g. Additional advice from
Guide for Teachers & Managers
Testing and evaluating solutions and the ways they were achieved.
STDM-E3.1 Reviewing & reporting on tasks

Devise, organise and carry out tests of existing and proposed solutions in order to
suggest possible improvements.


STDM-E3.2 Reviewing & reporting on tasks

Evaluate a design activity in relation to the main design criteria.


STDM-E3.3 Reviewing & reporting on tasks

Show awareness of the consequences, beneficial or otherwise, of their own
suggestions and decisions, by making evaluative, evidence-based comment on
their own and others’ work.



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