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Strands & Targets
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Interactive Guidelines
- Knowledge & Understanding

Taking responsibility for health
Physical health
D this is Level E F
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Level E Additional advice from Guide for Teachers & Managers

Physical health - Nutrition Education

show their knowledge and understanding of the impact health choices can have on the quality of health, e.g. choice of leisure activity, varied diet, breast feeding

This strand explores physical factors in relation to our health and looking after ourselves.

Physical health - Safety Education

use decision-making skills to demonstrate their ability to make positive health choices, e.g. risk assessment on issues such as substance misuse, wearing of cycle helmets, personal safety

This strand explores physical factors in relation to our health and looking after ourselves.



Physical health - Drug Education

use decision-making skills to demonstrate their ability to make positive health choices, e.g. risk assessment on issues such as substance misuse, personal safety

This strand explores physical factors in relation to our health and looking after ourselves.


Taking responsibility for health
Emotional health
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Level E Additional advice from Guide for Teachers & Managers
EH-E2.1 Emotional health - Drug Education

demonstrate responsible strategies to deal with a range of situations and emotions in relationships

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-E2.2 Emotional health - Drug Education

show ways in which they can seek help and advice

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-E2.3 Emotional health - Sex Education

identify the benefits to health of good personal relationships

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-E2.4 Emotional health - Sex Education

demonstrate responsible strategies to deal with a range of situations and emotions in relationships

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-E2.5 Emotional health - Sex Education

recognise the impact of change on their lives

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.
EH-E2.6 Emotional health - Sex Education

show ways in which they can seek help and advice

This strand explores emotions, feelings and relationships and how they affect our mental wellbeing.

Taking responsibility for health
Social health 
D this is Level E F
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