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Earth & Space Earth in Space A this is
Level B
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Target Menus from G6

Earth in Space
Associate the seasons with differences in observed temperature

put pictures into sets to represent the four named seasons

collect evidence to establish that heat from the Sun is greatest in summer

create pictures to represent the seasons

For most pupils at this stage, explanations of seasons based upon the Earth's tilt would not be appropriate, though some may understand it. Simply listing summer and winter clothing should establish hot and cold seasons. Longer summer days have more sunshine. Heat from a torch bulb can be used to link Click here to go to the start of this Strandlight and heat.
Access this Target MenuES-B1.2

Target Menu from G6

Earth in Space

Describe how:

day and night are related to the spin of the Earth.

observe, record and present information about changing lengths of shadows throughout the school day, e.g. by setting up shadow sticks in the playground

get the pupils to suggest what happens to the Sun at night

use a model, e.g. torch and globe/ball, to illustrate the spin of the Earth.

Links must be made between the spinning of our planet and the passage of time, one complete rotation being completed in 24 hours. Shadow exercises are designed to provide some concrete evidence of the rotation.

Use a torch and a ball to show what happens if the ball spins in Click here to go to the start of this Strandthe light of the torch.

Earth & Space
Materials from Earth
A this is
Level B
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