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Strands & Targets
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This is a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 3  Making materials change
This way for Group 4 - Energy

In what ways do heating & cooling change the properties of objects? What makes things suitable for their purpose?

Attainment Target Target

Earth and Space    Attainment Strand - Materials from Earth  Materials from Earth

This way for development of target ES-B2.1

Make observations of differences in the properties of common materials ES-B2.1

This way for development of target ES-B2.2

Relate uses of everyday materials to properties ES-B2.2

Earth and Space    Attainment Strand - Materials from Earth  Changing materials

This way for development of target ES-B3.1

Describe how everyday materials can be changed by heating or cooling ES-B3.1
Future Learning (progression) -  G15 The Earth & it's Resources

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