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This is a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 2 Introducing living things
This way for Group 3 - Making materials change

The Earth is home to many living things. Are humans more alike than different? What plants & animals are around us?  What do plants & animals need to stay healthy? Do plants look the same all year round? What can we do to act safely?

Attainment Target Target

Living things and the processes of life
 Variety & characteristic features

This way for development of target LT-A1.1

Recognise similarities & differences between themselves and others LT-A1.1

This way for development of target LT-A1.2

Sort living things into broad groups according to easily observable characteristics LT-A1.2

 Processes of life

This way for development of target LT-A2.2

Describe some ways in which humans keep themselves safe   LT-A2.2

This way for development of target LT-A2.3

Give the conditions needed by animals and plants in order to remain healthy LT-A2.3

 Interaction of living things with their environment

This way for development of target LT-A3.1

Recognise & name common plants and animals found in the local environment LT-A3.1

This way for development of target LT-A3.2

Give examples of how to care for living things and the environment LT-A3.2

This way for development of target LT-A3.3

Give some example of seasonal changes that take place in the appearance of plants LT-A3.3
Future Learning (progression) -  G5 Energy For Living Things       G8 Plants & Animals

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