Level A
Attainment Targets
A1.1 - give examples of people and events in the past that are important to them in relation to their families, or in relation to their community
A1.2 - give examples of stories they have heard that give them information about the past, and describe what they have learned
A2.1 - give some examples of changes that have affected their own and other people's lives and the life of their community (before/after, past/present)
A2.2 - give some reasons why these changes took place
A3.1 - demonstrate an awareness of annual patterns and the sequence of events in their own and others' lives
A3.2 - know ways of describing and measuring time, e.g. night/day, seasons, months, yesterday/today/tomorrow
A4.1 - talk about objects from their own past and say what they were used for and why they are important to them
- A4.2 - describe what old photographs/films, etc., can tell them about people or places in the past