Attainment Target A2.2



As part of a unit in which Vishal's class looked at Transport, Vishal was looking at the effectiveness of sail as a means of propulsion.


T. - Hello, Vishal. How are you getting on with the boat?
Vishal - Fine. I've picked the best sail.
T. - Have you ever seen a real boat with a sail?
Vishal - Only wee ones. Big boats don't use sails now.
T. - Did they use to?
Vishal - Yes. In the old days. Like pirates and the Vikings.
T. - So why don't they use sails now, do you think?
Vishal - The boats go faster with engines. And you don't have to wait for the wind to blow.
T. - Do you think boats are better now?
Vishal - Yes. You can move things round the world much faster now. And you can carry more.


People in the Past - Level A2.1, A2.2

Vishal's conversation shows that he knows and understands some changes that have affected people's lives, and why these changes have taken place.

Suggested Activities

Vishal could strengthen his grasp of this attainment target by thinking about changes in community life and the reasons for these changes.