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Living things and the processes of life
 The processes of life

Teacher Demonstration Advice

Read the Teacherís Guide on Peak Flow Meters before beginning this activity. Height and weight of the pupils will affect the readings achieved.

A peak flow meter measures the rate of airflow, or how fast air is able to pass through the airways. The narrower the airways, the slower the rate will be. Peak flow monitoring is one useful tool to measure airway obstruction. Peak flow rates are usually taken in the morning and again at night.

The following activity, if carried out over the week, will enable each child to complete their own peak flow chart. They can then colour in their peak flow zones.


2 Nerf© balls or other soft, sponge balls
Red, yellow, green stickers (or coloured tape/paper)
Red, yellow, green colouring pencils
peak flow graph
peak flow meters


  • Move the indicator to the base.

  • Stand or sit up tall.

  • Take a deep breath.

  • Put the mouthpiece in mouth.

  • Blow as hard and quickly as possible.

  • Repeat twice and record the highest reading.

  • Do this for a week and complete the peak flow chart.

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