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Living things and the processes of life
 The processes of life

Pupil Activity

Objective of Activity - To reinforce the helpfulness of peak flow monitoring and to develop an understanding of peak flow ranges.


2 Nerf© balls or other soft, sponge balls
Red, yellow, green stickers (or coloured tape/paper)
Red, yellow, green colouring pencils
peak flow graph
peak flow meters


  • Divide the class into two teams.

  • The teacher will be the scorekeeper.

  • Each team member is given a red, yellow or green sticker.

  • This is stuck on the pupilís back.

  • The coloured stickers represent the peak flow zones.

  • The same number of each coloured sticker is divided evenly between the two groups.

  • The red sticker is worth 1 point, the yellow sticker is worth 2 points,

  • and the green sticker is worth 3 points.

  • The playing area is divided in half by a mid line.

  • Each team goes to their side.

  • Each team is given a Nerf ball.

  • The object of the game is to throw and hit other team members with the ball without them catching it. When a player is hit by a ball, they are out and they sit out the game.

  • If the ball is caught then the person who threw the ball is out and the team that caught the ball gets double points.

  • Once a player is out they have to take their peak flow reading and plot it on the peak flow chart.

  • The graph will be divided into appropriate ranges.

  • The team gets the appropriate points depending on which range their peak flow is in. Each pupil needs to know their baseline before beginning this game.

  • When a team loses all its players, the game is finished and the other team gets a bonus of 10 points.

  • Add up all the points and the team with the highest points wins.

Peak Flow Ranges

Green Zone: 80% - 100% of personal best

Yellow Zone: 50% - 79% of personal best

Red Zone: less than 50% of personal best


This activity has been developed from Childrenís Asthma Camps.

See web link

Nerf balls are available from most toy departments.

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