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This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 24  Sound & Light
This way for Group 25 - Heat Transfer

How do different materials affect light and sound?

Target Menu Attainment Target Target Code

Energy & Forces    Properties & Uses of Energy

This way for development of target EF-D1.4

Use the terms ‘pitch’ and volume to describe sound EF-D1.4

This way for development of target EF-E1.5

Explain what happens when sound passes through different materials EF-E1.5

This way for development of target EF-F1.3

Describe the relationship between pitch and frequency and between loudness and amplitude EF-F1.3

This way for development of target EF-D1.2

Describe in simple terms how lenses work EF-D1.2

This way for development of target EF-D1.3

Give examples of simple application of lenses EF-D1.3

This way for development of target EF-E1.3

Explain the effect of a prism on white light EF-E1.3

This way for development of target EF-F1.2

Explain the effect of coloured filters on white light EF-F1.2

This way for development of target EF-E1.4

Describe what happens when light passes through different materials EF-E1.4
Future Learning (progression) -    St. Physics: Telecom, Health Physics, Transport
INT1 Physics: Unit 3 Radiations               INT1 Physics: Unit 4 Sound And Music

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