What is the difference between heat and temperature? How can heat energy be transferred in solids, liquids and gases? How does the energy from the Sun reach Earth if there is little or no solid, liquid? Big Idea - How can we meet our energy needs without damaging the environment?
CfE (Energy in the Environment - Energy transfer) (Level second) - SCN 216F - Using modern technology, for example a data logger, to gather and present information, I can analyse and compare the thermal insulating properties of materials and choose the most appropriate material for a particular purpose.
CfE (Energy in the Environment - Energy transfer) (Level second) - SCN 218G - I can research ways to use energy resources more efficiently and draw up a proposal for improvement for my home, school or community.
CfE (Energy in the Environment - Energy transfer) (Level third) - SCN 309F - I can use my knowledge of the different ways in which energy is transferred between hot and cold objects to design an energy-efficient building.
CfE (Energy in the Environment - Energy transfer) (Level third) - SCN 310G - I have participated in constructing a model to harness a renewable source of energy, and can investigate how to optimise the output. By drawing conclusions from my data and evaluating my design I can consider the commercial potential of this source.
CfE (Topical Science) (Level third) - SCN 332BB - Through research and group discussion, I have contributed to an evaluation of a media item with regard to its scientific content.
Future Learning (progression) - St. Physics: Health Physics, Energy Matters
CfE (Topical Science) (Level Fourth) - SCN 443BB ALL - I have researched a new development in science and can show how its current or future application might impact on modern life.
CfE (Topical Science) (Level Fourth) - SCN 444BB ALL - Having selected a scientific theme of topical interest, I can critically analyse the issues, and use relevant information to develop an informed argument.