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This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 19  Energy sources
This way for Group 20 - Electric Circuits

Where does the energy we use come from? How can energy be stored as one form and transferred to another?
What practical uses can we make of this?
Big Idea
- How can we meet our energy needs without damaging the environment?
AcFE (Energy in the Environment - Energy transfer) (Level First) - SCN 107F - I am aware of some of the different types of energy around me and can create a visual display to show its importance to my survival.
AcFE (Energy in the Environment - Energy sources) (Level Second) - SCN 217G - I can discuss why it is important to me and to the future of the world that alternatives to fossil fuels are developed. I can identify examples of where these are used in Scotland today and present this information to others.
AcFE (Energy in the Environment - Energy sources) (Level Third) - SCN 311G - Through research and from experimental evidence on combustion, I can summarise arguments and express an informed opinion on the use of renewable and non-renewable energy resources.
CfE (Topical Science) (Level Second) - SCN 236BB - I can report and comment on a current scientific news item to develop my awareness of topical science.

Target Menu Attainment Target Target Code

Energy & Forces   Conversion & transfer of energy

This way for development of target EF-D2.3

Name some energy resources EF-D2.3

This way for development of target EF-E2.3

Explain the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy resources EF-E2.3

This way for development of target EF-E2.1

Describe some examples of the interconversion of potential and kinetic energy EF-E2.1

This way for development of target EF-E2.2

Give some examples of chemical energy changes EF-E2.2
Future Learning (progression) -      G20 Electric Circuits     G24 Sound & Light      G25: Heat Transfer
St. Science: Energy & Its Uses      INT1 MER: Unit 1 Environmental Issues
INT1 Chemistry: Unit 2 Everyday Chemistry               St. Physics: Energy Matters

CfE  (Energy in the Environment - Energy in food) (Level Fourth) - SCN 416H Bio - I can carry out chemical tests to distinguish between different energy giving foods. I can use experimental techniques to compare the energy released from different foods in a quantitative way. I can evaluate my methods and the reliability of my results.

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