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This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 18 Space & the Solar System
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What are Space, the Solar System and the Universe and what evidence is there for their existence.
CfE  (Planet Earth - Astronomy) (Level Second) - SCN 213E - I can use simple models to communicate my understanding of size, scale and relative motion in our solar system. I can observe or research a feature of space that I find fascinating and describe this to others.
CfE  (Planet Earth - Astronomy) (Level Third) - SCN 307E - I can use my knowledge of the basic needs of humans, and the bodies of our solar system, to put together a reasoned report on whether we can colonise space.
CfE (Topical Science) (Level Second) - SCN 236BB - I can report and comment on a current scientific news item to develop my awareness of topical science.

Target Menu Attainment Target Target Code
Earth and Space     The Earth in space 

This way for development of target ES-C1.1

Describe the Solar system in terms of Earth, Sun and planets ES-C1.1

This way for development of target ES-D1.1

Relate the movement of planets around the Sun to gravitational forces ES-D1.1

This way for development of target ES-C1.2

Link the temperature of the planets to their relative position and atmospheres ES-C1.2

This way for development of target ES-D1.2

Give some examples of the approaches taken to space exploration ES-D1.2

This way for development of target ES-E1.1

Explain day, month and year in terms of the relative motion of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon ES-E1.1

This way for development of target ES-E1.2

Describe the Universe in terms of stars, galaxies & black holes ES-E1.2

Click here for development of target ES-F1.1

Describe some of the ideas used to explain the origin and evolution of the Universe ES-F1.1
Future Learning (progression) -      G29 Chemical Reactions      Group 31 Force & Gravity    St. Physics: Space Physics

CfE  (Planet Earth - Astronomy) (Level Fourth) - SCN 410E - From my research into a current space development, I can use information and data to show how new technology is used to make observations and measurements that increase our knowledge of the Earth and our Universe.
CfE  (Planet Earth - Astronomy) (Level Fourth) - SCN 411E - I can apply my knowledge of electromagnetic waves and their detection to explain how images and information from space help us understand the structure of the Universe and how it has changed over time.

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