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This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 6 Sun, Moon & Stars
This way for Group 7 - Forces

What happens to the Earth to give us :-  1. Night & Day?   2. Summer & Winter?

Science - Interactive Guidelines Curriculum for Excellence - draft outcomes
CfE  (Planet Earth - Astronomy) (Level Early) - SCN 004E - I have experienced the wonder of looking at the vastness of the sky, and can recognise the Sun, Moon and stars and link them to daily patterns of life.
CfE  (Planet Earth - Astronomy) (Level First) - SCN 105E - I have observed and recorded the position of the Sun and Moon at various times. I can make connections between the shape, position and size of shadows and the Sun at different times of the day.
CfE (Topical Science) (Level First) - SCN 116BB - I have contributed to a class display of current scientific news items to help me develop an awareness of topical science.

Target Menu Environmental Studies - Science component - Attainment Target ES Target Code

Earth and Space     The Earth in space

This way for development of target ES-A1.1

Identify the Sun, the Moon and the stars ES-A1.1

This way for development of target ES-A1.2

Link the pattern of day & night to the position of the Sun ES-A1.2

This way for development of target ES-B1.2

Describe how day & night are related to the spin of the Earth ES-B1.2

This way for development of target ES-B1.1

Associate seasons with differences in observed temperature ES-B1.1
Future Learning (progression) -  G18 Space & the Solar System

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