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This is a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 15 The Earth & its Resources
This way for Group 16 - Friction & Air Resistance

How did the Earth get to be the way it is today? What is the Earth made of and how do we use it?

Attainment Target Target

Earth and Space     Materials from Earth 

This way for development of target ES-D2.1

Describe the internal structure of the Earth ES-D2.1

This way for development of target ES-D2.2

Describe the processes that led to the formation of the three main types of rock ES-D2.2

This way for development of target ES-D2.3

Give examples of useful materials that we obtain from the Earth’s crust ES-D2.3

This way for development of target ES-D2.4

Describe how soils are formed ES-D2.4

This way for development of target ES-D2.5

Name the gases of the atmosphere & describe some of their uses ES-D2.5

Earth and Space     Changing materials 

This way for development of target ES-D3.1

Describe what happens when materials are burned ES-D3.1

This way for development of target ES-D3.3

Describe effect of burning fossil fuels ES-D3.3
Future Learning (progression) -   G22 Model of Matter     G23 Acids and Metals     G28 Periodic Table
G29 Chemical Reactions    St. Science: An Introduction to Materials
INT1 Chemistry: Unit 2 Everyday Chemistry

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