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Living things & the processes of life - The processes of life - The Human Body & Reproduction - G17
This is the homework for the targetThis is the homework for the targetHomework



PIPS2_The Body-Senses Body in a box - Craig Brownlie, Peel Primary School 

PIPS2_The Body-Senses

School: Peel Primary School
Age Range: 9-10
Name of Teacher: Craig Brownlie
As a follow up to Human Body pupils were asked to design on paper and create a model
of a new toothbrush. Tasks involved labelling features and combining existing dental
hygiene ideas into one such as floss, mouthwash, toothpaste, holders, stands, chargers,
power pints and basic brushes.
Locate the Homework:
Human body, healthy living, taking care of ourselves. Science cross with Health Education cross with Technology.


PIPS2_The Body-Senses Activity : To label some internal organs on a drawing of a body.

1. an outline of a body
2. drawing of heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, small intestine, large intestine, bladder
3. glue stick/blu tac

The children were asked to place these organs in the correct position on the body.

School follow up

When the homework returned this led to discussion of the function of these organs in the body. They were then displayed.

Muriel Cook

PIPS2_The Body-Senses

Topic: Human Body
School: Murrayfield Primary School
Age Range: P6
Name of Teacher: Judith Whyler
The children were given a large A3 sheet which had an outline of the human body. They
were asked to work in pairs to identify the main organs and place them into the empty
body. They were also asked to try to explain the function of each organ.
Locate the Homework:
The homework provided an ideal opportunity to understand children’s knowledge and
concepts of the body. It gave me a starting point for children’s learning.


PIPS2_The Body-Senses Activity : Rearrange the bones of the skeleton. Cut out the bones and put the skeleton into a pose that you yourself can recreate in class. 

Skeleton sheet (Word file)

Remember that not all the joints move in the same way. Some are ball and socket, and have a good range of movement.  Where as the hinge joints has restricted movement.


Sally Hopkinson (author, not skeleton!)

PIPS2_The Body-Senses

School: Peel Primary School
Age Range: P5
Name of Teacher: Craig Brownlie
Class were asked to make a body in a box where a skeleton is given and is to be marked and labelled correctly. Open task with only skeleton template given out. Children could use any handy materials they could get hold of.
Locate the Homework:
Stems from work on the Human Body 5-14 guidelines. Identify, name, and locate the main organs of the human body.

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