Energy & Forces - Forces & their effects - Forces - G7


ISE 5-14 Curriculum Support Materials                                                           Overview advice

Group 7 exemplar Energy & Forces  - Forces (Word)

Ginn Year 1 - "Floating & sinking" (P 101-104), Making Things Move (P 97-100)
Ginn New Star Science :- Foundation – The Garage
The Building Site
Yr 1 – Pushes and Pulls Tasks 1, 4
Yr 2 – Forces and Movement Tasks 1, 11, 12
Yr 3 – Magnets and Springs Task 1
Cats’ Eyes BBC2 - 9.1.02 Push and Pull, 16.1.02 Floating and Sinking
Worksheets A11a (G) A11b (G)
Making models. Analysing, researching, planning, developing ideas and creating solutions - Technology

BBC Science Clips - Pushes and pulls
Curriculum relevance | Online lesson plan | Offline lesson plan | Worksheet | Activity | Quiz

BBC Science Clips - Forces and movement
Curriculum relevance | Online lesson plan | Offline lesson plan | Worksheet | Activity | Quiz

Shipwreck Theme - SSERC Primary Newsletter 15

Disappearing metal ball (pdf file) - Physics on Stage experiment

Try It - Pepper it up

Floating and sinking - VTC - ICT investigation possibility

The submarine - Physics Support Materials - for Higher Physics really - however the animations can be easily interpreted on a simpler level.

Topic planner on boats from Linlithgow Primary, West Lothian (pdf file)

Sinking satsumas  - A satsuma with skin traps air and it floats. Remove the skin and it sinks.