Living things & the processes of life - Interaction of living things with their environment - Energy for living things - G5 |
![]() LT-B3.2 |
1. For many urban children their knowledge of where food comes from may be limited to the name of the local supermarket and some expansion of this lesson may be necessary. For example, with the help of additional resources from which, using vocabulary understandable for children, will introduce the necessary points. If possible, show the children the ingredients for some of the ready-made foods that they are familiar with e.g. bread, pizza, chips, biscuits etc. and again if possible make some simple foods - cook bread rolls, biscuits or cake. Video material can help to show how we get milk, flour etc. Worksheets B23a (G) and B23b (G) can be used for the children to record two simple food chains. If possible bring some samples of wheat into the classroom and use a wooden mallet to grind or beat some seeds into flour. |
2. It may be helpful at this point to discuss with the children the difference between herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and the commonly used terms ‘vegetarian’ and 'vegan'.
Many of the meat products the children are familiar with bear no resemblance to the meat they originate from and some may be surprised to find that their favourite burger comes from a cow or a pig. |
3. If fish are mentioned the food chain is as follows - small fish feed off algae and seaweed which use the Sun as their source of energy. Bigger fish such as cod and haddock eat the smaller fish and we eat them.
Drinks, particularly cola and other brand names are best avoided because their ingredients are mostly water, assorted chemicals and some secret bits and pieces. |