Living things & the processes of life - Processes of life - Introducing living things - G2


Ginn New Star Science Yr1 – Ourselves Task 3
Science Web printable sheets (pdf) -
Stop, Look, Listen  C4 Seeing, Hearing,  Smelling, Tasting, Touching
Safety Cats Pack
Health Ed - Physical health - Show awareness of simple ways of keeping safe (PH-A1.2)
Health Ed - Physical health - Identify a range of ways of keeping safe e.g. avoiding harmful substances, safe road use etc. (PH-B1.2)
Social Subjects - People in society - Rules, rights & responsibilities - Participate in discussion leading to the creation of simple rules and why we need them (PS-A2.1).

Plants, growth . . . and needing some inspiration? - SAPS Primary Osmosis Newsletter (pdf)

Plants need light to grow in space - ESA (European Space Agency)

BBC Science Clips - Growing plants
Curriculum relevance | Online lesson plan | Offline lesson plan | Worksheet | Activity | Quiz

BBC Science Clips - Health and growth
Curriculum relevance | Online lesson plan | Offline lesson plan | Worksheet | Activity | Quiz

BBC Science Clips - Helping plants grow well
Curriculum relevance | Online lesson plan | Offline lesson plan | Worksheet | Activity |

What do plants need?