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This is the Target Group Menu for a group of targets from the Science Framework for Planning
Group 28  Periodic Table
This way for Group 29 - Chemical Reactions

Elements are the building blocks of matter. How & why do we classify all the different types of atoms (elements)?
CfE (Topical Science) (Level Third) - SCN 332BB - Through research and group discussion, I have contributed to an evaluation of a media item with regard to its scientific content.

Target Menu Environmental Studies - Science component - Attainment Target ES Target Code
Earth and Space     Materials from the Earth 

This way for development of target ES-E2.2

Describe what is meant by an element ES-E2.2

This way for development of target ES-E2.3

Describe how physical properties of elements are used to classify them as metals and non metals ES-E2.3

This way for development of target ES-F2.2

Describe some of the characteristic features of the Periodic Table ES-F2.2

This way for development of target ES-F2.1

Describe some features of the structure of the atom ES-F2.1
Future Learning (progression) -      G29 Chemical Reactions
St. Chemistry: Atoms & the Periodic Table, Properties of Substances
INT1 Chemistry: Unit 1 Chemistry In Action

CfE (Topical Science) (Level Fourth) - SCN 443BB ALL - I have researched a new development in science and can show how its current or future application might impact on modern life.
CfE (Topical Science) (Level Fourth) - SCN 444BB ALL - Having selected a scientific theme of topical interest, I can critically analyse the issues, and use relevant information to develop an informed argument.

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