 Group 15 The Earth & its Resources |
How did the Earth get to be the way it is today? What is the Earth made of and how do we use it? Big Idea - What are we doing to the Earth and how can we prevent permanent damage? Big Idea - What impact will new materials have on our lives?
AcFE (Planet Earth - Sustainability) (Level Second) - SCN 201A - I can assess the sustainability of my school environment and by helping to create and carry out an action plan to make improvements I can record how my responsible actions make a difference over time.
AcFE (Energy in the Environment - Energy Sources) (Level First) - SCN 108G - I can give examples of how fuels are used and discuss their importance in meeting the basic needs of humans in local and global communities.
AcFE (Planet Earth - Sustainability) (Level Second) - SCN 202A - I can research a major environmental or sustainability issue of national or global importance and report on my findings.
CfE (Materials - Properties and uses) (Level Second) - SCN 232X - Having planned and carried out an investigation into a property of a material, I can evaluate the effectiveness of the material for its purpose.
CfE (Materials - Properties and uses) (Level Third) - SCN 325X - By investigation and research, I have explored properties of novel materials and can convey my understanding of the innovative commercial and industrial applications of these materials and their potential benefits to society.
CfE (Topical Science) (Level Second) - SCN 236BB - I can report and comment on a current scientific news item to develop my awareness of topical science.
Target Menu |
Attainment Target |
Target Code |
Earth and Space Materials from Earth

Describe the internal structure of the Earth |
ES-D2.1 |

Describe the processes that led to the formation of the three main types of rock |
ES-D2.2 |

Give examples of useful materials that we obtain from the Earth’s crust |
ES-D2.3 |

Describe how soils are formed |
ES-D2.4 |

Name the gases of the atmosphere & describe some of their uses |
ES-D2.5 |
AcFE (Energy in the Environment - Energy Sources) (Level First) - SCN 108G - I can give examples of how fuels are used and discuss their importance in meeting the basic needs of humans in local and global communities.
AcFE (Energy in the Environment - Energy Sources) (Level Second - SCN 217G - I can discuss why it is important to me and to the future of the world that alternatives to fossil fuels are developed. I can identify examples of where these are used in Scotland today and present this information to others.
AcFE (Energy in the Environment - Energy Sources) (Level Second - SCN 218G - I can research ways to use energy resources more efficiently and draw up a proposal for improvement for my home, school or community.
Earth and Space Changing materials

Describe what happens when materials are burned |
ES-D3.1 |

Describe effect of burning fossil fuels |
ES-D3.3 |
Future Learning (progression) - G22 Model of Matter G23 Acids and Metals G28 Periodic Table
G29 Chemical Reactions St. Science: An Introduction to Materials
INT1 Chemistry: Unit 2 Everyday Chemistry
AcFE (Energy in the Environment - Energy Sources) (Level Fourth - SCN 414G - I have carried out a series of experiments to develop my understanding of the chemistry of fuels and plastics and can use this to discuss the importance of carbon compounds to lifestyles around the world.