Energy & Forces - Properties & Uses of Energy - Energy - G4
Development of Target


EF-A1.1 give examples of sources
of heat, light and sound
Heat energy makes things hot.
Light energy allows us to see.

Sound energy allows us to hear.

1 Class discussion on sources of heat in the classroom and home.
Ask pupils for other examples of things which feel hot. Explain that all these things give out heat energy.
2 Make room as dark as possible (no light at all if possible). Ask pupils what they can see. The answer should be nothing. Teacher should then switch on the torch. What can they see now? What must be present for them to see?
Investigation : When coloured discs are placed on black paper, which are easiest to see?
3 Blow up a paper bag and burst it or clap your hands. What type of energy did they notice? The noise is a form of energy called sound energy. Experiment with other noise making equipment.
From how far away can they hear sounds? Pupils listen for sounds from further and further away e.g. other classes, playground, outside school etc.