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General links
5-14 Online
ASE (national)
ASE (Scotland)
Cross-border traffic: THE SCOTTISH ‘ISE 5–14’ PROGRAMME - ASE
Assessment is for Learning Projects
AZ Science Teaching Trust

Chemistry Demonstrations for 5-14 - DUSC (CPD)
Field Studies Council
Formative Assessment Techniques
Gaelic Resource Database
Glasgow Science Centre
Highland Schools Virtual Library
Improving Science Education 5-14 Report
Improving Science Education 5-14 Programmes
ISES CPD bulletin covering Oct. - Dec. 2004 (pdf)
Learning & Teaching Scotland
National Archives of Scotland
The National Priorities in Education website
National Register of CPD Providers
Online Assessment Issues
Orkney International Science Festival
Planet Science
Planning materials from 5-14 Online
Primary Network
REM Software - Primary Science
Science Education 3-18
Science Transitions in Scotland
SCIFUN - Scottish Science & Technology Roadshow
Scottish Schools Online - find a school site etc.
Sensation - The LIVE Science Centre, Dundee
Setpoint Scotland - resources, organisations and activities
SETT Exhibition, Glasgow Science Centre, September 2004
South East Earth & Space (SEES) CPD project


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