The successful CASE training and development programme designed by Kingís College, London, has been adapted to meet the specific needs of Scotland. This training programme aims to develop local council-based trainers who can support clusters of schools as quickly as possible as well as build sustainable local Cognitive Acceleration training capacity for new schools wanting to use Cognitive Acceleration teaching materials. The training programme, consisting of three two-day residential courses, will be run over a year. It is important that the courses are residential, allowing all the required elements of our
training programme to be covered in a time-efficient way. We advise that, for sustainability and logistic reasons, a council should invest in training at least two trainers or alternatively link with a council near by so that two trainers, one from each council, can liaise and work
See Strategy for introducing Thinking Science in Lothian schools (pdf file)
Residential courses will be held on:
1st December 2004
The venue is: Stirling Management Centre, at the University of Stirling
Further details of the programme will be sent direct to nominated trainers, unless otherwise requested.
Nominated trainers are expected to:
run training sessions for a group of their council schools, including in-service days and school visits. The first meeting for schools should take place before the second residential course;
teach Thinking Science and Letís Think! classes themselves 'one step ahead' of the schools they are training or, alternatively to already have experience of teaching Thinking Science;
provide videotapes of their teaching and training sessions for use during the residential courses; complete a number of distances learning assignments.
The Training programme provides:
three two-day residential sessions covering all aspects of teaching using the cognitive acceleration model, data collection and analysis, planning and running training sessions and courses for schools and making support visits to schools; support to build the confidence of course participants as teachers of Thinking Science and the Letsí Think! materials; opportunity to design specific training programmes for each council to train their schools;
Ďon lineí consultancy support and advice as requested; training materials.
The fees for the three residential courses and mentoring over the whole programme are £1000 per participant (exc. VAT). This includes accommodation costs for the residential courses. In addition the sponsoring body would need to pay for the participantís travel. Each
participant is expected to have a copy of Thinking Science, third edition, ISBN 0174387547 and a copy of the teaching materials for Letís Think! And Letís Think! through Science, both published by nferNelson, ISBN 0708703747, before the programme commences. These are obtainable direct from Nelson Thornes ( and nferNelson ( It is not essential to have the CD-ROM or the Letís Think! teaching resources for the training programme.
If you wish to nominate a trainer for this programme, please return the following information as soon as possible:
Name of nominee;
Postal contact address to receive programme details;
Telephone and e-mail address for nominee;
Name of person authorising nominee to enrol on programme;
Details of how and when to invoice the council
(Name, address, reference code, invoice whole programme cost or instalments etc.).
These details can be returned by post to:
Carolyn Yates
Cognitive Acceleration Programmes Scotland
Meikle Knox House
Castle Douglas
Fax: 01556502229
e-mail to: [email protected]