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Living things & the processes of life - Variety & characteristic features - Our environment - G21
This is the Teacher's Guide for this targetThis is the Teacher's Guide for this targetTeacher's Guide



 3. Borrow a set of objects such as wooden beads from the infant department. These can be sorted into spherical or cuboid and each of these two groups can then be sorted into colours and then perhaps each colour group can be sorted into large or small etc.

A diagram for this example would look like this : -

Now it should be possible to put any new bead into its group by following the chart from the top.

We call scripts for identifying animals and plants ‘keys’ and they usually follow this type of plan.

However if you are trying to identify animals or plants then it becomes rather more complicated because of the number of features involved and the sheer diversity of life!

Worksheet E25 (G) can be used to make a simple key.

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