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Energy & Forces - Properties & uses of energy - Electric circuits - G20


ISE 5-14 Curriculum Support Materials                                                           Overview advice

Group 20 exemplar Energy & Forces  - Electric Circuits (Word)

CLEAPSS - Teaching about Electrical Circuits - Primary Newsletter 23
(pdf file - click icon & print copies of cards on heavyweight paper & laminate)

Ginn New Star Science Yr 6 – Changing Circuits Tasks 3-7
Science Zone BBC2 24.1.02 Make or Break

Series Circuit - Physics Support Materials - for Intermediate 1 Physics really - however the animations can be easily interpreted on a simpler level.

Borders - Electricity - Background info
Borders - Electricity - Construct a series circuit following diagrams using conventional symbols, Worksheet 2 - Series circuits, Worksheet 4 - Switches, Worksheet 5 - Symbols , Worksheet 6 - Changing components in a series circuit
Worksheet  D15a (G) D15b (G)
Space Images Archive
Newton's Apple - Electricity
A project on electricity - what we did

BBC Science Clips - Changing circuits
Curriculum relevance | Online lesson plan | Offline lesson plan | Worksheet | Activity | Quiz

IEEE - Circuits & Symbols poster

British Energy resources (need Flash)
Interactive basic circuits: a lamp and a cell   cells and batteries   series circuits

Starting Science - SO-6.2, FTE-6.1
Spotlight Science - 6c, 6d, 32a

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