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Earth & Space - The Earth in space - Space & the Solar System - G18



ISE 5-14 Curriculum Support Materials                                                           Overview advice

Group 18 exemplar Earth & Space  - Space & the Solar System - Earth Scale Diagram   Relay for Space  Scaled Sizes of Planets    Galactic Game Cards    Galactic Game Cards    Space & the Solar System (Word)

Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive - NASA

A relay game for Space & the Solar System

One of the last photos taken by the Space Shuttle Columbia - PowerPoint Slide Show

The following sites may be useful for other lessons throughout this unit on the Solar System :-
Space Images Archive   Whoosh about the Planets   ScienceWeb - Earth, Sun & Moon
Newton's Apple - Hubble Telescope     Newton's Apple - Kids on Mars
Newton's Apple - Meteors     Newton's Apple - Solar Eclipse
University of Leicester - Guide to Space & Astronomy
NASA Starchild - Learning Centre for Young Astronomers
NASA Kids - The Solar System  
NASA Spacelink Lithograph Set  - Great poster-type info
NASA Kids - Art Galleries    Solar System Puzzle Kit - simple & useful activity pdf file for the planets
NASA Multimedia Gallery
Use search engine to download information. Labels/ texts for charts; Creating and presenting - CP-D2.1 - ICT

Scottish Space Foundation
Astronomy Picture of the Day with explanation      Cocoa craters

NASA - Astromaterials Curation - Top Ten Scientific Discoveries Made During Apollo Exploration of the Moon

Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous - Discovery is NEAR

Spotlight Science - 15f
Starting Science - GF-11.2.1, GF-11.2.2

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