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Living things & the processes of life - The processes of life - The Human Body & Reproduction - G17


ISE 5-14 Curriculum Support Materials                                                           Overview advice

Group 17 exemplar Living things & the processes of life  - The Human Body & Reproduction (Word)

Ginn New Star Science Yr 3 – Teeth and Eating Tasks 11-17 Assessment A

A look inside the human body

BBC Revisewise Science - Animal life dominoes

BBC Science Clips - Keeping Healthy
Curriculum relevance | Online lesson plan | Offline lesson plan | Worksheet | Activity |

New Media - Multimedia Science School (reference only to CD-ROM based resource used in several LAs and schools) - Breathing & Respiration - Excellent for this topic. Uses some of the info from the ‘Alveoli’ program.

New Media - Multimedia Science School (reference only to CD-ROM based resource used in several LAs and schools) - Alveoli - Describe the role of lungs in breathing – this shows how gas exchange takes place in the alveoli as blood flows through the capillaries. Probably goes too far but teachers can limit how much detail pupils access.

New Media - Multimedia Science School (reference only to CD-ROM based resource used in several LAs and schools) - Heart - Excellent program illustrating function of the heart. Heart rate can be changed to show effect of exercise.

Ask a Biologist - Seeing Colour

BBC Revisewise - Living Things - Animals - Bones and organs

The Human Body - BBC Interactive (needs Flash 4) - excellent
Know and describe in basic terms some of the effects of exercise on the body - PE
Investigating and developing fitness - Expressive Arts

Starting Science - SO-4.1.2
Spotlight Science
- 30a

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