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Energy & Forces - Forces & their effects - Friction & Air Resistance - G16
Development of Target


EF-D3.1 Give examples of streamlining and explain how this lowers resistance
A smooth surface and a rounded surface allows fluid to flow over an object more easily, so reducing friction.


1 Collect pictures of cars from 1920’s, 1950’s and today.
2 Explain the major changes in appearance of the motor car through the twentieth century.
The change is towards smoother, rounded surfaces so that air can slip by to create minimal friction, allowing cars to go faster.
3 Discuss streamlining in sports in relation to :-
  • clothing e.g. cycle helmets, swim caps, shaved heads, ski or swim suits, athletics suits.
  • apparatus e.g. bobsleigh, ski poles.
4 Illustrate streamlining in other areas, e.g. birds, aircraft.
5 Investigate how the shape of an object affects the rate of fall.
5 Investigate the factors that influence the rate of fall of model parachutes.

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