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Living things & the processes of life - The processes of life - Living on Earth (Plants) - G14p
This is the homework for the targetThis is the homework for the targetHomework



Stromness Academy S1/S2 Homework/Extension Exercises - FOOD_STORES

PIPS2_Living Things & Life Processes
Activity : This homework task should be undertaken after completing classroom work, developing the children’s knowledge and understanding of the main stages in flowering plant reproduction.

Using the linked Pupil Information Sheet, ask the children to design and create a model of a flower. The children can use whatever materials they have available and the choice of flower should be left to their choice.

This activity could be undertaken in pairs and then presented to the class the following week.

Make a model flower!

Your challenge:

I would like you to design, make and then present a model of a flower.

The design must be produced on a sheet of A4 paper and labelled appropriately.

You must then use your design to create your model. You can use any materials, which you have available. The brighter the better!

The outline below will help you to label your flower and create an accurate model.

You have one week to complete your challenge. Remember to have FUN!

PIPS2_Living Things & Life Processes
School: Knightsridge Primary School
Age Range: P5
Name of Teacher: Wilma Missenden
Given broad bean seed, clear plastic pot, paper towel and told to grow a beanstalk at
home. Info sheet/parental agreement sheet supplied with details for use of disposable
cameras for recording progress. I.e. pupils keep photographic log and simple diary of the
bean’s progress -> will be displayed in school ->discussion
Locate the Homework:
Discussion of similarities between all living things -> structure of plants/flowers ->
growing conditions.
Test in school growth of 6 beans under same conditions to see if growth rates differ.


PIPS2_Living Things & Life Processes
Activity : Children are asked to dissect a flowering plant.
The plant may be provided to the children if too early or late in the year for them to collect their own.

The children are asked to separate, identify, examine and label the different parts of the flower into find the female parts.

Ovary with ovules

Find the anthers containing pollen grains.

Materials required :
Flowering plant
A4 cardboard
Clear sticky-back plastic. Smaller than A4 size.

Remove backing paper on sticky-back plastic and lay it sticky side up on a table. Dissect flowering plant and place parts onto sticky plastic.
Place A4 paper on top to seal display.


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