School: St. Nicholas Primary School
Age Range: Level D
Name of Teacher: S Hopkinson
What are the different parts of a flower? Collect a flower in full bloom (if out of season –
a flower would be provided by CT). Dissect the flower into different parts. Place the
different parts onto a piece of card and cover with clear plastic.
Locate the Homework:
Examine a variety of flowers to find the female parts. Find the anthers containing pollen
grains -> children identifying the different parts -> if possible plant seeds.

School: Our Lady of Lourdes
Attainment Outcome: Living things and the Processes of Life
Age Range: P7
Name of Teacher:
The children were given a diagram of a labelled flower and in groups were asked to
design then create a model of the flower. They were asked to use any resources which
they had to hand or available from school.
Locate the Homework:
This was therefore an assessment of what they had learned in class.