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Living things & the processes of life - The processes of life - Living on Earth (Plants) - G14p
Development of Target



Describe the main stages in flowering plant reproduction
The flower is the reproductive organ of plant.
Petals are brightly coloured to attract insects.
The stamen is the male part of the flower and produces pollen.
The stigma is the female part of the flower and is where pollen grains must land.
The ovary contains eggs which will become seeds.
Plants use different mechanisms for seed dispersal.


1 Examine a variety of flowers to find the female parts (stigma, style and ovary with ovules).
2 Examine flowers and find the anthers containing pollen grains.
3 Make drawings or models to show the process of pollination - insect and wind.
4 Examine a variety of fruits to find their seeds, e.g. tomato, peppers.
5 Examine a variety of seeds and discuss seed dispersal mechanisms.
6 Investigate the conditions necessary for seed germination.

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