Earth and Space - Earth in space - Sun, Moon & Stars - G6
Development of Target - SEES* Forward Plan

Sun, Moon and Stars (Group 6) Level: A/B

*SEES - South East Earth and Space Consortium.

Note : Suggested assessment statements are for Knowledge and Understanding elements.  For Skills and Developing Informed Attitudes - see Part 2)

Attainment Target Suggested Learning Outcomes (LOs) Suggested Learning Activities matched to Learning Outcomes Suggested assessment statements
Children should be able to demonstrate that they:
(ES-A1.1). Identify the Sun, the Moon and the stars

1. The Sun shines in the sky during the day.

2. At night we see the Moon and stars in the sky.

 Discuss the sky during the day and at night identify the Sun, Moon and stars.

Card sort – what can be seen in the day time and night time sky.

Movement activity to model looking from Earth up to the day time and night time sky.

Observe the night sky and chart the shape of the Moon (* Skills assessment opportunity)

Make constellation boxes.

Know that the Sun gives us light during the day.

Know that the Sun does not shine on us during the night and so it is dark.

Can identify the Moon and stars in the night sky.

(ES-A1.2) Link the pattern of day and night to the position of the Sun.

(ES-B1.2) Describe how day and night are related to the spin of the Earth.


3. The Sun gives us light so it is light during the day and dark during the night.

4. The Earth spins.

5. During the day we are facing the Sun.

6. During the night we are not facing the Sun.

7. In the morning the Sun rises and at night the Sun sets.

8. The Sun is highest in the sky in the middle of the day.

Tell a story ‘The Broken Plant Pot’ in which a mystery needs to be solved, which in turn leads to a sequencing activity that highlights the movement of the Sun through the day’s sky.

Movement activity that models the spin of the Earth & how that changes what is seen of the Sun.

In small groups pupils model the above activity using a torch and ball.

Make a card 2-d model of the above activity

In pairs the pupils mark in the playground the position of their shadows, from a fixed point, at different times of the day (* Skills assessment opportunity)

Draw where the Sun is, at different times of the day, in relation to a landmark e.g. the school.

Mark the movement of the Sun on a south facing window.

Know that the Earth spins and that we face the Sun during the day but not at night.

Know that the Sun rises in the morning and sets at night.

Know that the Sun changes its apparent position in the sky during the day.


(ES-B1.1). Associate the seasons with differences in observed temperature.



9. There are four seasons –spring,summer, autumn and winter.

10. We get heat from the Sun.

11. In summer the days are longer and we get more heat from the Sun.

12. In the winter the days are shorter and we get less heat from the Sun.

Discuss different times of the year in relation to temperature and the length of the day.

Introduce the idea of four seasons.

Using a lamp show that light & heat are present, which is also true for the Sun.

Drama activity whereby, in groups, the pupils act out a typical day in the summer holidays and then the same during the winter.

Describe the seasons in terms of temperature & day length.

Compare the daily routine of summer against the daily routine of winter.


Technology links: KU Discuss everyday needs in relation to day/night and the seasons. SKILLS Making 2-D model of Earth’s spin.