Earth and Space - Earth in space - Sun, Moon & Stars - G6 | |
Development of Target
ES-B1.2 |
ES-B1.2 |
Describe how day and night are related to the spin of the Earth |
1 | Using a globe or Earth model find a spot on the Earth which could represent the school. Place a marker on this spot. We are here! Place the globe under a light source to represent the Sun with the marker facing the "Sun". Tell pupils it is now daytime. What kinds of things might they be doing? Slowly rotate the globe to your left. Ask pupils what is happening. They should see that we (the marker) are moving away from the Sun. It is becoming dark. What kind of things might they be doing in the evening? Continue until marker is in darkness i.e. facing away from the Sun. Ask pupils what might they be doing at night? Continue around and talk about dawn, etc. |